Definitive Guide to Cyber Monday Gifts.

Cyber Monday is Monday, December 2, 2024 🛒

Cyber Monday is a marketing term coined by retailers to describe the Monday following Thanksgiving in the United States. It is considered one of the most significant online shopping events of the year, with retailers offering substantial discounts and promotions on various products, from electronics and appliances to clothing and beauty products. Cyber Monday is often viewed as the online equivalent of Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, and traditionally marks the start of the holiday shopping season.

The origins of Cyber Monday can be traced back to the early days of online shopping when retailers noticed a surge in online sales on the Monday after Thanksgiving. The term was first used in 2005 by the National Retail Federation and has since become an essential part of the holiday shopping season in the United States and worldwide. Today, Cyber Monday is a highly anticipated event for shoppers looking to take advantage of the best deals and discounts of the year while retailers compete to attract online shoppers with attractive promotions and incentives.

Using a universal wishlist for Cyber Monday shopping can be a great way to stay organized and get the best deals on your desired products. A universal wishlist allows you to compile a list of items from different retailers in one place, so you can keep track of everything you want to buy in one convenient location. This can be especially helpful during the Cyber Monday shopping frenzy when deals constantly change, and losing track of what you want to buy can be easy.

A universal wishlist can also help you save time and money by allowing you to compare prices across different retailers. Instead of visiting multiple websites to find the best deal, you can compare prices for the items on your wishlist in one place, helping you find the best deals and avoid overspending on merchandise that may be cheaper elsewhere. Additionally, some universal wishlist services will notify you when items on your list go on sale. As a result, you can take advantage of the best deals without constantly monitoring each retailer's website. A universal wishlist can be a valuable tool for Cyber Monday shopping, helping you stay organized, save time, and get the best deals possible.

The History of Cyber Monday

The history of Cyber Monday can be traced back to the early days of online shopping in the United States. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, e-commerce was gaining popularity, but online retailers struggled to attract customers away from traditional brick-and-mortar stores. So to help boost sales, retailers began offering special promotions and discounts on the Monday following Thanksgiving, which was already a busy shopping day in the United States.

The term "Cyber Monday" was first coined by the National Retail Federation (NRF) in a press release in 2005 to promote online shopping during the holiday season. According to the NRF, Cyber Monday was when online retailers saw a significant spike in sales, as people returned to work after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend and began shopping for holiday gifts online.

Over the years, Cyber Monday has grown in popularity and has become one of the most significant online shopping events of the year, with retailers offering deep discounts on a wide range of products, from electronics and appliances to clothing and beauty products. Cyber Monday has also expanded beyond the United States in recent years, with retailers in other countries offering similar promotions and discounts on the Monday following Wishlist Wednesday and Thanksgiving.

Important Dates for Holiday Shopping

  • Wishlist Wednesday: The Wednesday before Thanksgiving when family and friends should complete their holiday wishlists so they know what each other want.

  • Black Friday: The day after Thanksgiving and is characterized by significant discounts, sales, and promotions offered by retailers.

  • Small Business Saturday: The Saturday after Thanksgiving and encourages people to support local small businesses and shops in their communities.

  • Giving Tuesday: A global generosity movement that encourages people to donate to charitable causes and perform acts of kindness.

  • Super Saturday: The last Saturday before Christmas, known for its high shopping volume and sales, is one of the final opportunities for holiday gift shopping.