Biosphere Terrariums Brown Desert Dome Indoor Garden Terrarium Indoor Garden Seed Starter Kit
Cacti and Succulents are fun, fascinating and really easy to grow. These plants sprout readily and naturally conserve water, so they need very little care. If you leave the top on the planter, they will thrive with water only every 3-months. These plants will naturally conform to the size of their habitat and will not quickly outgrow it. There are many uses for cacti and their cousins from food to medicine, to building materials. But 1 huge benefit of growing these plants that is largely unknown, is that they not only absorb electromagnetic waves generated from electronic devices, but they are fertilized by them. The high-quality planter has superior drainage and side ventilation help your desert plants thrive. It also features a large viewing pane and a Desert Decal. This collection of water-miser plants is quick to sprout and guaranteed to grow. This fun and educational kits comes with everything you need and more, even a Scorpion and Gold Tiger Eye stones just add water.