Children require routine like grass requires water. To grow and be their very best, they need proper nourishment, plenty of sleep, and a wonderful start to each day. As true as these things are, we reach a conundrum when our children are reluctant to wake up on time. So how do we teach our to wake up on time without a struggle?

7 parenting tips to get your child to wake up on time.

1. Set a bedtime.

Tell your child know in advance what time she will be expected to go to bed. If her bedtime is at 8 pm, you can tell her “We have a lot to get done before you go to bed at 8 o’clock. Let’s try to manage our time efficiently.” Helping her understand there’s a window between now and her bedtime will help prepare her mentally for her actual bedtime.

2. Pick out an outfit.

After you’ve had dinner and have gotten your child to clear the table and help you wash dishes, begin talking to her about what she will wear the next day. Place her clothes on a chair, or hang them at the forefront of her closet. Having her outfit picked out will save a lot of time in getting up and getting ready.

3. Bathe, unwind, and go to bed.

Once you’ve planned out her outfit, aim to give your child a bath an hour before she’s expected to go to bed. After her bath, she will be able to relax, talk to you about things, or read a book before you turn the lights off. During this time, remove electronics such as iPad’s, iPhone’s, and televisions from her reach. The lights from these devices tend keep kids awake, and could make it difficult for you to get your child to go to bed on time. Remember, having some time to unwind before going to bed is important for anyone wanting to get a good night’s rest, and children are no exception.

4. Trick the body into doing it for you.

Let the body's natural mechanics work for you. By setting the thermostat to increase the ambient temperature, five to eight degrees before your household alarms are set to go off. The body will already start to awaken itself. You can amplify this effect with a daylight clock/lamp that increases the light in the bedroom to simulate sunrise. 

5. Set a wake up time, and stick to it.

Teaching your child to wake up on time requires that you don’t allow her to stay in bed beyond that time. If your child typically needs a few extra minutes before getting out of bed, plan to wake her up 5 or 10 minutes earlier. She’ll then have ample time to wake up and won’t spend any extra time lying around when she needs to be getting ready. For older children, they can handle setting an alarm, but the same rules should still apply. In all situations, adding "wake up on time" to their digital chore chart is additional encouragement.

6. Use uptempo music.

Music doesn't need to be blaring to wake everyone in your household. Any uptempo rhythm can be played to start stimulating the mind and body, moving it from its sleep state to one that's ready to rise. 

7. Prepare Breakfast.

Bacon and eggs, cereal, or some yogurt and fruit—breakfast is an important element in getting your day started. Once your child is up, make sure she has a good breakfast to help fuel her for the day. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but it does need to provide some substance to stimulate her mind and give her body adequate energy and nutrition. Any or all of these steps can be added to their chore chart and rewarded by a universal wishlist.